Saturday, June 23, 2012

About Teaching

"A good leader is a good follower as what we are".

On the first week of our class we had discussed about a lot of things about teaching and how to become a good teacher. Being a teacher is a big challenge to us, because you need to understand your students and you need to give your effort to handle them. Students behavior are not the same, because some of them needs a lot of attention from their teacher.

Teaching is very simple as what we observed, but when the time comes that you may become a teacher you will realize the difficulties given to you is not easy. Yes, for me it is hard but it doesn't mean that you will not enjoy your career. Being a teacher is a good job, you are teaching not just to give knowledge to your students but also to develop their good manners, skills and their pleasing personality.

I learned that teaching  is not the one thing to be afraid of, honestly i am scared to be in the front of the audience, because I don't have a lot of confidence to do so. But I will do my best to develop my confidence so that I can teach well.


  1. I agree on that.. it is not easy to be a mentor specially your teaching elementary students..

  2. Yeah, teaching is very simple if you have a self confidence. That’s why our teacher teaches us to develop our self confidence.
