Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Meaningful Learning Theory

This week the report is all about Meaningful Learning Theory, Condition of Learning and Transfer of Learning. As the reporter said that Meaningful Learning Theory where an individual learns by relating newly acquired information to what learner already knows. Therefore, we can easily learn by relating old information to the new information that you have learned.   
Condition of Learning has a different way of learning one of them is Motivation it refers to the internal state or condition that influences behavior and gives direction in relation to physical conditions, interest, attitudes and aspiration. Motivation is either your willingness to do the task because of the deficits within individuals or you are been driven to do those task by the other people. The other one is Retention it is the ability of the individual to remembered or retained information because of continuing using it, or in the other hand you might forget it.
Transfer of Learning it is the application of knowledge learned in one situation to a new or different learning environment or situation.  By applying information through the situation you can learn and that is the process of learning through experience.

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