Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Social Learning

This week the report is all about the Function of Teachings. There’s a lot of function of teaching like initiating, directing and administering class activities, providing security and self-confidence among learners and diagnosing learning problem of people or students. The importance of function of teaching is not only to give a knowledge or learning’s to the students but also to mold them to be a good citizen. Learning is not only by experiencing by yourself but it is also you learn by the help of your surrounding and that is social learning. It was defines as one learns with other people in the social environment in which he lives. We can also learn through our observation, by observing other people.
In learning there are some roles that the learners must considered to learn well it is the Law of Learning. It composed of three different laws the law of readiness, exercise, effects that should be implementing to learn well. As we learn there’s a lot of thing to consider and to follow so that we can learn more and efficient by doing it not only in you but also with the other people.

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