Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Different types of Lessons

The report is about The Different types of Lessons, first is the Developmental Lesson, this lesson is all about the  new idea is develop and presented. This lesson is developing the needs of the students which can be presented much knowledgeable.The next one is Supervised Study Lesson, this lesson purpose is to give a study to the students with the guidance of the teacher. Which means that the learners trained the techniques of learnings while the instructor work as the guide in the various methods in the classroom.

The next one is Appreciation Lesson, in order to appreciate something, one must understand to enjoy this, the lesson instruct the class to understand, appreciate and enjoy something. If we enjoy the lesson, we can arouse our interest to do it, That is why it is appreciation lesson. The last topic in this day is Review Lesson, In other word, this lesson is for recalling the previous discussion to know if the students understands the whole topic.

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